What does our Information Technology Team get up to?
Our IT team are critical in ensuring that we are able to operate and grow as a Charity. Everything that we do requires some kind of digital interface, and our IT team are there to ensure that it runs smoothly, as expected, and that everything is safe and secure.
See below some examples of the roles that our operations team play within the Charity. Within these areas, you could be an operational worker, a first line supervisor or a strategic leader - no matter what level you would play a crucial role in enabling Teenage Helpline to deliver on our aims and objectives as a Charity.
Operational Support
Our operational support team are hands on, ensuring that all of our systems are running effectively and as they should be!
Project Management
As a growing charity, there is lots of growth in the technology area. Our Project Management teams enable seamless implementation of new technology solutions.
Data and Security Compliance
Whether it's Cyber Security or GDPR, our Data and Security Compliance teams ensure that we have the right data and security compliance protocols in place.
Software Development
Our development teams play a critical role in the implementation of our new systems, especially those that we design and execute ourselves. Our developers are literally in the code, bringing our ideas to life.
Digital Innovations
As technology use and capability grows, both inside and outside the Charity, our digital innovations team are at the forefront of exploring new ways that we can use technology to improve what we do.